Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I just informed Justin that I am in a "free" mood tonight. I tried to explain this to him. All I could come up with was, "Actually...I feel in an honest mood. Meaning my reactions to others actions, not the other way around. I feel like I am feeling things honestly without my usual ration of bullshit piled on top." He said, "Huh. That's good." God BLESS him. Could anyone wonder why I love him so much?

Enjoy this with me...

Excellent. Have a great day. :-)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Sunny Days, Sweeping the Clouds Aaaaway!

...On my way to where the air..Is...CLEAN! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

I intend for this post to be a brief tribute to the Sesame Street I remember. The day that a Muppet with HIV debuted on the show was the day that Sesame Street died.

I found a "Which Sesame Street Character Are You Quiz" online today. Sigh. Yeah. I am Snuffalupagus. "Sometimes you get lonely, but you're a unique, special, one of a kind individual that no one could ever replace". I am very happy with that description. Solid Sesame Streetness.

Here's the link for the quiz: I was hoping that I would test out as one of those "Brrrrrring yip yip yip" aliens. But then again being a unique, special, and irreplaceable person has it's perks. Ha.

My sister, Karen, took the test until she tested as Grover. I find this to be a tad like cheating... But then again, retaking the test with such innocence would be something that Grover most assuredly would do. NEAR................................................................................FAR

Here are the "Brrrrrring yip yip yip..telephone" Aliens. What, in God's name, children learned from them, we may never know. They look like deflated jellyfish but I can't say that I wouldn't enjoy having one as a pet... happiness would abound. I prefer the orange Alien. He looks much more inquisitive than the pink one. The pink one just looks bossy. Posted by Hello