Thursday, December 09, 2004

The most important meal of the day...

I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast. It would be safe to say that I am on an oatmeal kick.

I recently read an article on WebMD about the health benefits of whole grains. It's absorbing the "bad cholesterol" from my bloodstream as we speak. To what end? Who knows. I became bored and started thinking about taking the tinsel off my Christmas tree long before the end of the article. I certainly wouldn't want to be informed about it. All I know is that I feel a little less guilty eating that double cheeseburger at lunch.

Every morning...oatmeal. No tear open instant oatmeal packets. You know the kind that tastes decent? Nope, not me. I pour my oatmeal from the cardboard canister. I want all 9 cylindrical inches of it. The Quaker Oats man looks really good in that hat not to mention that there is something glaringly sexy about a man who can pull off a white bob and whisper sweet nothings of heart healthy eating in my ear. I even have an antique metal Quaker Canister in my kitchen that holds my wooden utensils. Don't worry Justin...he's 127 years old. :-)

For any and all who are interested, here's a link:

That last statement makes me chuckle considering that only two people, besides yours truly, know that my baby blog exists. So, Justin and Nate... Check out the Quaker Man!

Oh, by the way... The humor in my oatmeal? Just a personal preparation tool (coping mechanism would work too) for my impending diet.

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